Weihrauch, Wacholder - zwei Teile in einem Set

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Juniper -Weihrauch ist seit Jahrhunderten in der spirituellen Welt bekannt. Wacholder verhindert, dass negative Energien in den Raum gelangen. Juniper reinigt den Raum und verhindert ein weiteres Eindringen negativer Energien.
So niedrig wie € 19,62

Juniper incense has been known in the spiritual world for centuries. Juniper prevents negative energies from entering the room. Juniper cleans the space and prevents further intrusion of negative energies. It can also be used to clean the body or protection against negative energies.

Juniperus occidentalis, juniper, is a type of conifer that grows on dry and semi-arid soils. It is very aromatic. Interesting fact: the juniper is also considered a sacred plant on our soil. It used to be believed that if you carry a juniper branch with you, it will protect you from accidents and wild animals.

Juniper incense - two pieces in a set

  • bunch of juniper (Juniperus Occidentalis)
  • juniper is one of the first incenses used by "Mediterranean witches" - to expel all bad, dark things and to restore health
  • is the indispensable incense of North American Indians and shamans
  • it is also used in Tibet
  • the incense has an extremely pleasant scent of coniferous resin
  • juniper has the element of fire and under the guidance of the Sun its power is extraordinary
  • it is considered a protector against all bad things, against theft, illness...
  • juniper has an "innate" ability to clean the environment, repel negative energy and attract positive vibrations
  • therefore, juniper cleans the surroundings, space, and also the body
  • juniper is widely used in offices and public spaces to create clarity, a pleasant ambience and a pleasant mood
  • many believe that juniper protects against evil spirits and diseases
  • creates a clean and pleasant environment in the room for meditation, yoga
  • comes to us from California (USA)
  • dimensions: 12 x 3 cm (one piece)
  • packed in a nice cardboard box

Method of use

Hold one end of the bundle over an open flame (candle) until the sage begins to smolder. Then shake the bundle to start smoking from the bundle. Thus, the room will be filled with the smell of incense. Shake the bundle until it goes out (so that the embers are no longer smoldering at the end).

If the bundle burns too much or you want to put it out, put it in a glass jar with a lid to take away oxygen from it and it will stop burning. You can also place it in a jar of sand. Next time, use the sage bundle using the same procedure.

More Information
MarkePalo Santo
Gewicht (kg)0.100000

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