Meditationskissen Shanti Halfmond

Auf Lager
Es eignet sich perfekt für bequemes Sitzen im Lotus- oder Halblotussitz oder in der Knieposition. Es ist ideal, um die richtige Ausrichtung der Wirbelsäule zu finden. Weich, mit Dinkelspelzen gefüllt, äußerst angenehm und angenehm anzufassen.
So niedrig wie € 39,30

Meditation pillow Shanti in an ergonomic half moon design. It is the popular companion for yoga classes, ideal for sitting with crossed legs. Soft, filled with spelt husks, extremely comfortable and nice touch.

Cover is made from cotton and it is removable for easy cleaning. The stitches, stretch pleats at the side are greate to find your ideal position.

Meditation pillow Shanti for comfortable sitting in lotus or half-lotus position or knee position.

Meditation pillow Shanti half moon Lotuscrafts

  • Soft and comfortable
  • Convenient durable side strap for easy carrying
  • Cover is removable for easy cleaning
  • Material: 100% cotton (removable and washable at 30 degrees)
  • Material - internal padding: organic spelled and hygienic spelled husk (it is anti-mite by nature, breathable and thermo-regulating)
  • Dimensions: 40 cm lenght / 15 cm height
  • Weight: 1.0 kg
  • ECO standard: GOTS certified


Their name in the products combines purity, beauty, special art of making from natural, human and environmentally friendly materials (cotton, spelt, kapok wool).


The lotus flower is a symbol of purity, peace and beauty in many cultures in the East. The lotus flower is very special because of its exceptional surface structure, which allows water, dust particles, mud and micro-organisms to "unwind" and bloom in perfect beauty.


It means trade, art.

Yoga Lotuscrafts

More about Lotuscrafts

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Gewicht (kg)1.100000

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