Bio-Bitterkürbispulver Magic Rainbow Superfood

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Bitterer Kürbispulver (Karela) oder Bittermelone oder indischer Bitterkürbis ist in der indischen Küche unverzichtbar. Es ist eine ausgezeichnete Quelle für Ballaststoffe und Antioxidantien.
So niedrig wie € 16,02

Bitter Gourd Powder (karela) or bitter melon or Indian bitter gourd is indispensable in Indian cuisine. It contains a lot of important substances for our health (iron, magnesium, vitamin B complex, potassium, vitamin C...).

It is an excellent source of dietary fiber and antioxidants.

Organic Karela powder Magic Rainbow Superfood as a dietary supplement, superfood

  • karela is a rich source of dietary fiber and antioxidants
  • contains iron, magnesium, vitamin B complex, potassium, vitamin C.
  • contains 2x more potassium than spinach, 2x more beta-carotene than broccoli
  • recommended daily intake: 1 teaspoon mixed with food or water (approximately 3.5 g)
  • it is great for additions to smooties, yogurt, other drinks or as an addition to various spreads
  • refrigerate after opening
  • suitable for vegans
  • gluten free
  • GMO-free
  • from organic production
  • 100 g

karela, grenka kumara

What is Organic Karela, Bitter Gourd Powder?

Bitter Gourd Powder, karela, or bitter melon usually grows in countries with tropical climates. It is a very fast growing plant. It has thin stems and bright yellow flowers that bloom only 1 day. It is used in various Asian and African blends of herbal medicine and in Ayurvedic cuisine.

Health benefits of Karela

  • has anti-inflammatory properties (due to its high content of antioxidants) and strengthens the immune system
  • regulates blood sugar levels
  • helps lower bad cholesterol levels
  • regulates the level of the pancreas
  • contributes to better digestion
  • has a positive effect on the liver
  • helps recover "after a hard night"
  • also helps with weight loss (prevents the formation of new fat cells)

Organic karela powder Magic Rainbow Superfood

Nutritional value 100g.

Nutritional value per 100 g
energy value 1448 kj / 321 kcal
fat 2 g
carbohydrates 53.9 g
of which sugars (0.0g)
protein 18 g
dietary fiber 28 g
salt 0 g

Do not exceed the recommended daily dose! It is not a substitute for a balanced diet! The product is produced and packaged in a soybean processing plant.

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More Information
MarkeMagic Rainbow Superfood
Gewicht (kg)0.100000

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