MagicRooty naturgetränk zur Steigerung der Energie, Konzentration und Wohlbefinden

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MagicRooty ist ein 100 % natürliches Getränk zur Steigerung der Energie und Konzentration sowie für ein hervorragendes Wohlbefinden. Es enthält Adaptogene, Heilpilze, Kakao und einige andere magische, natürliche Inhaltsstoffe. Es ist ein hervorragender Ersatz für Kaffee.

So niedrig wie € 35,16

MagicRooty is a 100% natural drink to increase energy, concentration and provide excellent well-being. It contains adaptogens, medicinal mushrooms, cocoa and some other magical, natural ingredients. It is an excellent substitute for coffee.

MagicRooty natural drink for increasing energy and concentration and great well-being

  • 100% organic and natural drink (no artificial, synthetic additives)
  • a magical drink with adaptogens and medicinal mushrooms to increase energy and concentration and to feel great
  • taste of cocoa and roasted hazelnuts
  • without added sugar and sweeteners
  • 100% vegan product
  • gluten free
  • an excellent substitute for coffee
  • increases energy, concentration, motivation
  • helps us increase productivity
  • strengthens brain function
  • clears your mind
  • helps us with stress
  • does not cause energy drops and "nervousness"
  • contains 50mg of natural caffeine from Yeta Mate tea (one cup of coffee contains 80-100mg of caffeine)
  • a measuring spoon is included in the package
  • 99 g / for 30 drinks
  • made in Slovenia

Find your inner zen even in chaos!


What does MagicRooty contain?

  • Lion's mane mushroom is an extremely effective mushroom. It is known for its positive effects. It can have a beneficial effect on memory, concentration and neuroregeneration.
  • Rhodiola rosea is the queen of Ayurvedic herbs. It can have a positive effect on brain function, reduce fatigue and help fight stress.
  • Cordyceps is a medicinal mushroom. It is known for its positive effects and can have a beneficial effect on general well-being, energy and the immune system.
  • Yerba mate is a South American tea that is very popular. It is considered one of the healthiest teas in the world! With the combination of various active ingredients it contains (including caffeine and theobromine), it can have a beneficial effect on your well-being. The caffeine in this tea does not cause the classic energy drops that caffeine in coffee usually causes.
  • Cocoa contains theobromine. This is a unique ingredient that is known to be beneficial in reducing stress and can help improve overall well-being. It also tastes great.
  • Maca is known for its positive effects on energy, stress and hormonal function.
  • Astragalus is an herb of traditional Chinese medicine. It can help support and function of the immune system and can contribute to well-being.
  • Alpinia galanga has been used in traditional Arabic medicine for centuries. They use it to increase energy, concentration and improve well-being.
  • Vitamin B3 (from buckwheat) is a key B vitamin for normal brain function. B3 contributes to the normal functioning of the nervous system and to the normal metabolism of energy production.


How to prepare a MagicRooty potion? And how many cups a day?

  1. Add 1 heaped teaspoon (included in the package) of MagicRooty to the cup.
  2. Add 2 dcl of hot water and mix. You can also use milk, almond milk, oat milk or any other milk.
  3. If desired, add cinnamon, vanilla, foamed milk, sweetener... Use your imagination and conjure up your favorite drink according to your taste.
  4. We recommend consuming 1-2 doses per day. The best time is 1-2 hours after we wake up. This is because it is best for our body to wake up on its own, naturally, without the help of substances.


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