Mini Yoga-Block Manduka

Auf Lager
Der Mini Yoga Block Manduka oder Mini Travel Yoga Block ist eine reduzierte Version des bereits legendären Yoga Block Manduka. Wie ein großer Block, mit den gleichen Eigenschaften, nur kleiner und leichter.
So niedrig wie € 15,93 Regulärer Preis € 17,70

The Mini Yoga Block Manduka or Mini Travel yoga block is a reduced version of the already legendary Yoga Block Manduka. Same as a large block, with the same characteristics, only smaller and lighter.

A smaller yoga block. Great for travel, for yogis on the go

For all of you who travel a lot or for those who have problems with space in the apartment and larger blocks create storage problems for you. It makes it easier to practice yoga and allows you to perform heavy asanas a little easier.

That way you will progress faster. From balance positions, through stretching, to backward support, this mini yoga block will allow you to achieve even more, deepen your position and provide you with support during yoga practice. Great design!

Mini Travel smaller Yoga Block Manduka

  • great for those who want to have blocks at home but are short of space
  • offers safe and comfortable exercise
  • pleasant to the touch
  • rounded edges of the block
  • allows faster progress of demanding positions
  • easy to clean (wipe it with a damp cloth)
  • dimensions: 10 x 11.5 x 15 cm
  • weight: 200 g
  • material: light EVA foam (ethylene vinyl acetate) / between 50 and 70% is recycled EVA foam
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Gewicht (kg)0.220000

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