Holzarmbänder Mond - Sonne

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Holzarmbänder Mond – Sonne im Set: eins für mich – eins für dich! Ein einfaches und wunderbares Geschenk. Die Armbänder befinden sich auf abreißbarem Karton.
So niedrig wie € 14,66

Wooden bracelets Moon - Sun in a set: one for me - one for you! A simple and wonderful gift. The bracelets are on cardboard which can be tear off.

A cute little addition to your wrist. Because I would be lost without you.

Wooden bracelets Moon - Sun

  • awonderful gift for the person we love, with whom we spend good times... both for a couple boy - girl / husband - wife, for a friend, a child - parent
  • "Because I would be lost without you."
  • wooden bracelets with a unique pendant
  • the universal symbol of the moon and the sun - tell your loved one that your friendship is as connected as everything in the universe
  • the connecting knot regulates the size of the bracelet
  • material: walnut wood
  • pendant size: 18 mm
  • made in Slovenia
  • it is packed on a cardboard, tear-off sheet - simply tear off the upper part and keep it for yourself, give the lower part together with a message to a loved one

Wood is a natural material. Therefore, there may be deviations in color and texture from the pendant in the picture.

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MarkeGozdni Mož
Gewicht (kg)0.020000

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